As I sit on the couch on a lazy Sunday afternoon, sipping a chai and tapping away on my laptop, I get to wondering what the best parts of being home for the holidays are... and then realize that it's spending lazy Sunday afternoons lounging with a laptop and a chai.
That's the other good thing about being at home- I normally don't have to overthink things.
All in all, being back in beautiful BC is... well, beautiful? Whether it's contemplating gnoming and dildos (not together, you perv) over pub food with Lisa and Tica, making awesome jewelry and (attempted) bellydancing with Sinead, or watching Gidget and playing Settlers of Catan with my ridiculously entertaining sister, I love that the pace of life seems to slow exponentially when I reach the Interior.
Having lived away from Kamloops for almost seven years, I've gotten past the fact that my hometown has changed a good deal from when I lived here. Instead of it being a problem, I've learned to enjoy getting lost while driving around town or getting ridiculously excited when I discover a new funky place on the main strip. Plus, I'm kind of enjoying the Y's recent gym upgrades... it used to be kind of brutal when you wanted to go work out.
I've been interning at the Daily News, and even that has been fun and chill. My editor doesn't want to stress us out or give us all of the lame assignments because it's my holidays and because I'm unpaid– and I'm not twisting her arm to make me write city briefs. I've been able to write a couple of features, a few news stories, and am working on a recycling piece for next week. I'm also not supposed to work Christmas Eve and get to end my internship whenever I want. Maybe writing for a small daily paper isn't that bad of a job after all?
As Christmas approaches, my massive extended family is starting to pilgrimmage back to the Loops... yesterday, my aunt, uncle and twin cousins arrived from Texas and they'll be staying with us for a week. Seeing as our house is small enough that even I don't have a bedroom (yep, it's a futon in the computer room for me– home sweet home!) and that the twins, who are six, are still learning to use their indoor voices, this could prove to be an interesting seven days...
dushi life in Curacao
2 weeks ago